Stephen Frost



One of the most moving books about The Great War that I have read… deserves to sit on the shelf alongside other epic accounts of The Great War and its consequences.” – Fully Booked @MaliceAfore

If one of the purposes of literature is to make us see things differently, this is a perfect example. This novel feels important.” – Book After Book @Silvia-reads

Available from Amazon 1st November 2023

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Summer, 1916. Fourteen-year-old Freddie Lovegrove begins his new job as Postboy in the quiet rural English village of Eagley. But the shadow of war looms large over this peaceful idyll as Freddie is tasked with delivering news from the battlefields of France.


The villagers call him the angel of death.


Freddie is befriended by Suhani Harkness, an Indian woman living in an isolated manor house where she tends to wounded soldiers from the trenches. Persuading Freddie to become the scribe to a soldier who cannot write, he finds new purpose in his work.


But the grim reality of his job weighs down ever more heavily, until the telegram he has most feared arrives from the front – news of the death of one of Suhani’s sons.


Set against the backdrop of one of the deadliest conflicts in history, this novel is a poignant and powerful exploration of the human cost of war for those left behind, and the enduring impact of grief and guilt.

My story

Stephen Frost grew up in the Suffolk market town of Bungay in 1959, before leaving at nineteen to study music. A motley life in the music industry followed, exploring various avenues and culs-de-sac from pop to country to rock, until he finally alighted on classical music editing and production.

From his earliest school days a passion for storytelling was never far, an obsession that culminated in writing and directing the award-winning feature film “Leave Now” in 2018.

The Best Postboy In England is his first novel.